Tour de Turtles Continues Despite Tropical Storm Fay

Released on: August 20, 2008, 12:34 pm

Press Release Author: Caribbean Conservation Corporation

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: This year's Tour de Turtles marathon is now underway, but
Tropical Storm Fay might muddy the waters for Lumiere and Millana, two sea turtle
competitors in the path of the storm.

These two turtles, along with six others, are competing in the first annual Tour de
Turtles marathon. Using satellite-tracking technology, Tour de Turtles will follow
four species of sea turtles as they travel from their respective nesting beaches to
unknown feeding grounds, with the goal of being the first to complete the 2,620 km
(1,628 mile) marathon.

Press Release Body: This year's Tour de Turtles marathon is now underway, but
Tropical Storm Fay might muddy the waters for Lumiere and Millana, two sea turtle
competitors in the path of the storm.

These two turtles, along with six others, are competing in the first annual Tour de
Turtles marathon. Using satellite-tracking technology, Tour de Turtles will follow
four species of sea turtles as they travel from their respective nesting beaches to
unknown feeding grounds, with the goal of being the first to complete the 2,620 km
(1,628 mile) marathon.

After being released on Aug. 1st from Disney's Vero Beach Resort in Florida,
Lumiere, a loggerhead sea turtle, began heading south along Florida's east coast.
Having traveled about 475 km, or 295 mi, she is now swimming close to the Florida
Keys in the tail-end of the storm.

Millana, a leatherback sea turtle, was fitted with a satellite-transmitter on the
Caribbean coast of Panama in early June. Since the start of the marathon, she has
traveled north 201 km, or 125 mi, into the Gulf of Mexico, just off Florida's west
coast, in search of her favorite meal, jellyfish. Tropical Storm Fay now seems to be
turning in her direction.

"Although active sea turtles swim to the ocean's surface every few minutes to
breathe," said David Godfrey, executive director of Caribbean Conservation
Corporation, "we expect that these wise mariners are weathering the storm safely."

Sea turtle scientists speculate that inactive sea turtles can stay underwater for at
least two hours without surfacing for air. This ability can prove to be invaluable
during bad weather, helping to safeguard turtles from the worst of any storm.

While sea turtles face many threats to their survival, they have lived for millions
of years, battling with tropical storms and hurricanes for much longer than humans.
Their continued survival is a great indication that Lumiere and Millana will carry
on their marathon migrations.

It will be interesting to see if Tropical Storm Fay will slow their travels, at
least for a couple of days. To track the turtles in the path of the storm and learn
more about Tour de Turtles, visit

Caribbean Conservation Corporation is an international nonprofit and the world\'s
oldest marine turtle research and conservation organization. Founded in 1959 to
support the pioneering work of world-renowned naturalist and author, Dr. Archie
Carr, the Florida-based organization is dedicated to ensuring the survival of sea
turtles through research, education, advocacy and the protection of the natural
habitats upon which they depend.

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Contact Details: Rocio Johnson
4424 NW 13th Street
Gainesville, FL 32609

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